Artist's Statement |
"Paintings are a lot like relationships. Some are effortless, every bit enjoyable and uplifting, while others can be a struggle, unrewarding, and difficult" My paintings have been described as calm, reflective, and intimate, while others are vibrant, powerful, edgy and fun. Viewers of my paintings often ask, "What is the story behind this painting?" I then know that I have captured their curiosity, interest, and sense of wonder. The human face eloquently expresses the broad landscape of human emotion. A portrait should be more than a representation of the outward appearance. It should attempt to capture the spirit, and spark of life, and even inner hidden person of the heart. I explore the emotional vocabulary of the face. I endeavor to paint a face from the inside out, to build a face in an attempt to capture the true person on the canvas. While this is not always achieved by an artist, it is my ultimate endeavor in portraiture, to participate ina nd witness the wonderment when marks of color become a person. |